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Scoria uses the Daltonian Calendar (BDE, DE). 13 months, 28 days each, based on the “International Fixed Calendar.” The calendar is named after Katherine Dalton, the Malincan explorer that first circumnavigated Scoria.


The first evidence of hunter-gatherer societies. The oldest findings come from central Vesunna. 

14,000 BDE

10,000 BDE

An agricultural surge, or known as the Farming Revolution, spreads to the major population centers. Most notably Nephe (present-day Arankah), central Nyterria, and Valscoria. The origins of many cultures and independent states formed during this time.

8,000 BDE

The first people groups started using bronze as a means of production as opposed to stone tools and weapons. This marked the first steps into the Bronze Age.

8,900 BDE

The earliest evidence of maritime trade emerges from this period. Historians believe that stone-age peoples were capable of modest shipbuilding, and would take their goods across water.


7,100 BDE

The first Empire in Scorian history to appear is the Empire of Nir. A civilization in Northern and Central Vesunna that managed to unify the city-states into one centralized entity that became a powerhouse in trade, commerce, and agriculture. For a couple hundred years, the Empire was the only empire in all of Scoria while the rest of the world were either hunter-gathers and living in small settlements.

6,500 BDE

Beginning of the Interglacial Period marks the melting of icecaps, thereby drastically increasing the sea level. This global phenomenon contributed to the mass destruction of many Bronze Age cultures, especially those on the coast. This was known as the Bronze Cataclysm.

6,790 BDE

Evidence from this period suggests that Kasevaean Peoples were active in Southern Talmare.

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